IPU CET B.Com(H) 2024 Exam Pattern

Admission into GGSIPU for session starting in the year 2022 will be based on the basis of IPU CET 2024 for different courses. Students should have a clear idea about the exam pattern that will be followed in the CET. Therefore it is important for the students to get all the knowledge about these. Candidates should then prepare for the exam according to these patterns.

The test paper will have 150 objective-type questions. Each question will have 4 different options out of which only one option will be the right answer. The student has to select this and tick their response on the OMR Answer sheet that will be provided to them.

  • Each question will have 4 marks.
  • There is Negative Mark for wrong answer wherein 1 mark will be deducted.
  • For every correct answer student will get 4 marks.
  • No marks will be deducted for questions that are not answered.
  • In case student has marked more than 1 option, it will be treated as incorrect and 1 mark will be deducted.
  • The medium of the exam will be English only.
  • Exam will be conducted in Pen-paper Mode.

The following points are also to be noted-

Total Marks 600
No. Of Questions 150
Total Time 2 Hours 30 mins / 3 Hours for Btech Biotechnology.


Language Comprehension 40
Logical Reasoning 35
 General Awareness 25
Data Interpretation 50


  • Applicants have to bring 1 black ball point pen to the exam hall for marking their answeres on OMR Sheets. Use of pencil is NOT allowed.
  • Applicants should leave exam hall after handing the OMR answer sheet and test booklet to the invigilator. No candidates are allowed to take these home.
  • The OMR sheet should be handled cautiously and should not be folded under any circumstances.
  • Every sheet has 4 circles for every question. Applicants need to darken the circle that they feel is the correct response for that particular answer.
  • Applicants are required to darken one circle only for each question. If you mark more than one circle for a question, the answer to that question will not be considered and negative mark will be given for that one.
  • Do not make any stray marks on the OMR Answer Sheet.
  • Applicant should note that they should mark their answers on the OMR sheet with proper care and caution and they will not be provided with another OMR Sheet.
  • Students are not provided the facility of re-evaluation or reassessment for the concerned examination.

Candidates must carefully read the instructions very and follow it strictly. You must make a plan as per the exam pattern and prepare accordingly.
So, students work hard and give your best for IPU CET 2023.