B.Tech IOT Course Comparison

In B.Tech, there are different branches along with the specializations offer by the colleges. Although the most demanding branch in Bachelors in Technology is Computer Science and Engineering. It further divides into different specializations that highly impact the student’s career. To eradicate the confusion, please refer to the below divisions of CSE branch providing their basics, skills and job prospects available in the market.

In Computer Science and Engineering, by and large, four specializations are available.

Specializations IoT Data Science AI & Machine Learning Web & Mobile Development
Definition It refers to a system of internet-connected objects that are able to collect and transfer data over a wireless network without human intervention. It is an ability to mine large data sets to gain useful information or insight. It refers to a computing system’s ability to solve problems, make predictions, or complete complex tasks. It is a set of processes and procedures involved in writing software for small, wireless computing devices, such as smart phones and other hand-held devices.
Uses It helps to unites physical objects with the virtual world. It is used to process large, complex, and sometimes unstructured sets of information to make smarter  data-driven decisions. It uses to emerge technology that interprets written and spoken words, and machine learning, that enables apps to make predictions and recommendations. The UI(User Interface) of an application is responsible for interaction between the user and the software.
Skills Computer programming, Network security, Machine learning. Mathematics and analytics, attention to detail, predictive modeling Mathematics and analysis, algorithms, predictive modeling Mobile/Web User Interface Design, App Development, Backend Computing, Programming Skills


Job Avenues Solution Architect, Data Analyst, Computer Engineer, Developer, System administrator Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst, Information Scientist, Database Administrator Artificial Intelligence Architect, Artificial Intelligence Researcher, Machine Learning Engineer Front-end Developer, Back-end Developer, Mobile App Developer,  Web developer, Cloud Engineer, IT Technician

Which Specialization is, currently, best in the market?

However, all the above specializations are inter-related to each other directly or indirectly. To create a successful technology, one needs another to execute the process. Considering all things, in the present era, these all are in trend and consider as a highly paid career.